From time to time, our staff write articles or helpful hints. Here are some of them:
When to Seek Help
Seek professional counseling when the problems listed below are persistent and impact your child’s daily living: Sleep problems Change in appetite Aggressive behavior Cruelty to animals Social withdrawal Fearfulness Regressing to earlier stages of development...UF Health partnership announcement
UF Health partners with local providers to meet pediatric mental health needs Reprinted from UF Health Jacksonville news July 7, 2017 At the UF Health Pediatric Wellness Center – Prudential Drive, patients can access comprehensive physical and mental health care in...What is ADHD?
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This disorder has some of the following symptoms as seen in a child: Difficulty following through on instructions Difficulty keeping attention on tasks or play activities Losing things necessary for tasks and...Cornucopia Kids
Those Children Who Want EVERYTHING! Children who demand only the best, who have a need for constant stimulation, and who do not follow through on projects are showing the behavioral signs of what psychologist Bruce A. Baldwin has named “Cornucopia Kids”. These...Have a Great Day
“Have A Great Day!” is one way of telling your child that you hope their day will be a good one. Helping your child go and have that good day begins at home. They will carry your attitude into the classroom. Other suggestions: Smile at your child – it...Time Out
Time out is an effective and safe method to use when disciplining children. Time out involves placing a child in a chair in the corner of a room, (e.g., living room, kitchen, dinning room, hallway) for a period of time. The placement of the chair should be such that...