Make the Most of Reading Aloud Together

Make the Most of Reading Aloud Together

Reading aloud is the most important thing you can do to help your child learn to read. It’s not about choosing the “right” or even “challenging” books—all reading is good reading! Every book counts, and it’s essential you read together....
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Superhero’s Tool

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Superhero’s Tool

Are you a parent of a child having mental health issues? Do you wish there was a way for you to help your child with their struggles? Many parents today are concerned about their child’s mental health struggles, and for good reason. Students in Jacksonville report...

A parent’s electronic dilemma

“I didn’t go to school with a smart phone.” The very tool that helps teens and their parents stay connected and safe has become a major stressor for parents with work and other commitments.  Parents are having trouble being able to balance the pressures of increased...